These are the absolutely the best pots for streps (and other gesneriads) hands down! I have about 60 of the M size and need to order more. These were designed with a lot of thought and made of high quality material. I love that the hydroponic feature provides adequate aeration to the root structure, which is a must for me, since summers here hover b/n 95-99% humidity. Plants are growing like crazy in these pots, roots are developing faster and healthier. The outer pots are not only functional (large enough water reservoir, dishwasher safe etc) but also very "elegant", they definitely elevate the look of my shelfs. And another thing, I have small hands and they are slim enough to grab with one hand off the shelf! Similar pots with same grow capacity have unnecessary wide and bulky design, no idea why. That might sound silly to some, but trust me, when you have that many plants and you have to inspect/care for them daily, being able to grab a pot in each hand helps a lot! As always, Tony has thought of everything. Many, many thanks!